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trashonomy+UNDP partnership

Transforming waste management and waste pickers

In partnership with UNDP, Trashonomy is committed to providing training in environmental entrepreneurship for waste pickers in Delhi and its neighboring cities. This training will teach them alternative livelihood skills that will provide them with new means of employment with better income and will help improve the quality of the environment. The training involves sorting waste by type, composting, and bio-methanation, creating zero-waste residential areas, and negotiating with different business houses and citizen groups.

Apart from this, Trashonomy is also working to improve the situation of marginalized waste pickers from impoverished sections of society by imparting training and building expertise to explore sustainable livelihoods and vocations. We will develop environmental entrepreneurship among urban poor women through training and building effective stakeholder partnerships.

In order to institutionalize the efforts, Trashonomy has organized waste pickers into federations of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and cooperatives. Through which, we have encouraged waste pickers to take up contracts for waste management projects with local companies and residential associations besides providing dignity of labor to this much maligned community. We further plan on appointing a coordinator for each project who will monitor the implementation and provide quarterly feedback for evaluation.

Progress Report

Trashonomy, in partnership with United Nation Development Program (UNDP) has committed to give training to the waste pickers for better livelihood opportunities and has successfully completed the training of 200 waste pickers.

In addition, Ttrashonomy has carried out health check-ups for 1000 women and their families.

We have also organized various health awareness camps for 500 girls along with premarital counseling sessions.

Even, negotiations with the Municipal Corporation are ongoing, as is lobbying with the Government of India to provide social security schemes for waste pickers.

Trashonomy, in partnership with UNDP, has also extended group insurance policy to 300 waste pickers.